An easy way to get your computer to speak is the object SAPI.SpVoice. A small Powershell-file: $spv = new-object -com SAPI.SpVoice $spv.speak($args) $spv = $null. Then call it like ?.\speak.ps1 Say something?
An easy way to get your computer to speak is the object SAPI.SpVoice. A small Powershell-file: $spv = new-object -com SAPI.SpVoice $spv.speak($args) $spv = $null. Then call it like ?.\speak.ps1 Say something?
An easy way to get your computer to speak is the object SAPI.SpVoice. A small Powershell-file: $spv = new-object -com SAPI.SpVoice $spv.speak($args) $spv = $null. Then call it like ?.\speak.ps1 Say something?